
So I decided to start a blog because I always have questions and statements that I am curious to ask or say.  Beware, I do watch the news in the mornings and tend to be very opinionated due to real life experiences or crap I just don’t understand or want to know more about.  I’m addicted to magazines and Yahoo! News ticker so I am pretty much gulliable when I read “The Top 10 Most Healthy Snacks.”  I will be in the grocery store within that week with that very same list thinking that I am actually buying that top 10 healthiest snacks ever.  I mean, who REALLY made up that list?? America, or 5 people’s opinions?  So, I want to know what YOU think, or do when it comes to daily life.  It may be random, but I like it that way.  Keep it simple people (which is by far my favorite slogan.  The more simple something is, whether it be the items on your coffee table or your main task at your job for the afternoon, keep it as simple as possible so you aren’t stressing yourself out! (like my OCD self does) : )